When customers make submissions to buy technology, it’s positioned as a business initiative.

If the submission focuses on a technology purchase with little or no context, it won’t gain approval. The approvers (the Board or Exec Committee) want to know why they should approve this initiative. They’ll want a clear mental picture of how the business will run, why it’s better, and the effort and cost to get there.

Before you can sell your products, your customers need a clearly-defined business initiative. They need the ability to answer the questions the approvers will ask. Without technical jargon.

To increase the chance of making a sale, first help the customer plan a great business initiative. Don’t sell the benefits of your products. Sell the benefits of a business change.

Then, help them write a submission that will answer all questions the approvers might have. The first time it’s submitted.

If the approvers see a well-reasoned business change, supported by a clear plan with a strong business case, they may approve it.

And you’ll get a deal as a result.

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